Biographical Summary: 50 Year Reunion
Name: Kathleen Doran Kilpatrick aka dorio
Spouse/partner: Woody Rehanek
Address: 451 Vivienne Dr_ City/State/Zip_Watsonville CA 95076
Phone: 831-227-7422 email_dorioktk@gmail.com
Places I’ve lived since1964: Berkeley, SF, VW van, Olympic peninsula, Alaska, Seattle x3, commune, ashram, Portland, St. Lucia, Poulsbo, Spokane, Tonasket, Loreto Baja Sur, Watsonville; no best or worst, all had their beauties and struggles.
Occupation/Employment: postal clerk, homesteader, clerk and baker in food co-op, midwife, RN in home care, clinics, field research, nurse practitioner, nursing instructor, school nurse, plus pursuits in journalism, environmentalism, unionism, buddhism, etc.
Children: 2 bio plus several step
Grandchildren: 6 plus one on the way
Words of wisdom after 50 years of life’s experiences since graduating: We are on this planet to be of help. Kindness is the root of all worthwhile action. Aside from that, the only certainty is change.
A memory that stands out about my days at Las Lomas is: Taking the paper to the printer in the Gray Rat. Humiliating journalistic exploits. Getting my braces off in time for my senior picture.
Other comment(s): Hoping to meet with members of GS troop 277!
I will be at the Reunion: Probably. Recent ankle surgery, mobility is somewhat limited
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